
Kid Icarus DOWNFALL-8 Minus One, Plus One

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Viridi's tent was small, and purple. There were small animals, flowers, and a bed. She had all she needed with her powers. She made a river near her tent, made a peach tree grow, and made many flowers bloom, to decorate her tent on the outside, of course.

"Pittoo." Pit sighed. "You say you're full of 'man dignity' but, you're not showing any now."

"Pst! Mommy! Why does everyone continue to call Icarus, 'Pittoo'? I'm pretty sure I've heard them do it more than once." Rosabeth whispered to Lillabeth.

"I'm not sure....maybe it's his angel name? Angels are strange but, I love them." Replied Lillabeth.
Of course Pit and Pittoo were a strange first impression for angels. A boy and a dog with wings....totally

"Fine..." Pittoo slowly walked up to Viridi. "Your name is Viridi, not Jiijii, you don't have a gift besides showing the Forces of Nature care, you are the Goddess of Nature, you are arrogent, stubborn, sarcastic, and sometimes kind. You control all of nature and I am the angel Pittoo...." His eye twitched. "And that boy over there is Pit."

Viridi was confused. Her kind nature made her believe Pittoo easier, but she still did not understand. "I'm a Goddess?" She asked. "I'm a human. Viridi is a nice name but, this really ugly snake reassured me that I'm a regular girl and my name is Jiijii!"

Pit jerked up. "Snake?!" So Hades has pulled that one, again? He thought. He's tricking Viridi similarly to how he tricked the first two humans. "That wasn't a snake! It was Hades!" Pit shouted.

"I'm pretty sure it was a snake! I know more about nature than you, and I know a snake when I see one!" Despite her kind side being shown openly, due to Hades, she still had something that made Viridi who she was.....her temper.

Pit and Pittoo had a plan.
"Yeah. The vegatables you grew tasted weird! I only eat them when a beautiful lady feeds me them." Pit rolled his eyes. "Too bad there isn't one in miles of here, to make me want to consume that....trash? Pst! No offense, Lillabeth and Rosabeth!" He whispered.

They shrugged.


"Of course you are, you are the Goddess of Nature, beautiful has no limit upon your face and everything about you." Pittoo bowed.

"Uuuhhhhhhhh" Pit was dazed. "Wh-what?"

"Sh!" Pittoo blushed. "I know what I'm doing! So, beautiful, to restore me from my beast form and return me as an angel....doing this will prove you are a Goddess, after all. Plus it'll return me to normal." Pittoo Smirked.

"Fine! I shall try I guess....." Viridi's face was red. Pittoo's random compliments have overwhelmed her. She cast out a blue aura that envelopped Pittoo and suddenly he was an angel again, wings and all. The only thing he was missing, was a weapon. She was dazed. "G-g-goddess......m-me....." She was taking it all in. She restored a dog back to his angel form.

"Whooohoooo! My handsome face! My feet! My hands! My everything!" Pittoo was happy to be himself again. He than noticed a sheepdog mask on the floor.

A mysterious voice came and said...: "Wear it to resume your sheepdog form....take off the mask to return to your original form....the magic has been repressed in this mask...."

"Haha! Hey you sound like the Happy Mask SalesMan, from The Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask! Wow! So much game references in Kid Icarus!" Pit laughed.

"Hey! This is not The Legend of Zelda! We are Kid Icarus!" Viridi yelled and burned the mask with a flame she summoned.

"Thank you Viridi! I'm sorry I couldn't save you! Hades turned me into a dog! I tried all I could! But, I couldn't save you!" Pittoo felt highly responsible for this.

It was at that moment, Viridi remembered everything.....the battle that happened years ago...Palutena, Hades, Pit, and the others....she WAS a Goddess and she remembered what Pittoo spoke of and how he became a dog. "Where are the others?" She asked.

"What is going on?!" Lillabeth and Rosabeth asked in unison.

"Fine...." Pit explained everything to them...even the little unimportant details. I'll put it that way, do you really wanna read a recap of a bunch of things you already know?

"My head hurts...." Cried Rosabeth.

"It's a lot to take in.....But, I can't question it." Lillabeth shrugged.

"And by the way..." Pit started. "You've been acting kinda....happier than usual Pittoo!" He smiled.

"Hmph! Happy? No such thing...Any change in emotion you think you see in me was probably my guilt. It's gone and so will this 'change.' " Pittoo replied. He then sniffed the air. "Someone's coming." He looked alarmed. He motioned to get his bow but, remembered, he didn't have one at the time. Then he remembered something. "Hey Viridi!"

"Y-yes, Pittoo?" She asked, rather puzzled.

He twitched. "T-t-turn me into a dog again!"

"Why would you want that?! I just turned you into an angel again!"

"Grr...shut up and do as I say! Now HURRY!"

Viridi transformed him back. "Your giving my powers a work out here!"

"I had to!" He ran out the tent. "I know you're there! I picked up your scent! Show yourself!"

Vincere emerged from behind a tree. "You know, you don't have to bark about it!" He shrugged.

Pittoo then tackled him to the ground.

"Woah! Get off of me, Lassie!"

La-Lassie?! Pittoo was getting angry. He bit Vincere's arm.

"Fuck! I just came here to help! Let go of me you damn mutt!" He cried.

"MUTT?! I'll have you know, I'm a pure bred!"

Pit rushed into the scene and pulled Pittoo off of Vincere.

"What is your problem?! Why did you attack this guy,.....Icarus?"

Pittoo was called Icarus. He figured, Pit didn't want to let a stranger know he was Pittoo, as a dog incase he was to see his angel form. Pittoo ran in the tent to be changed back.

"AGAIN" Yelled Viridi. "You're so needy! Ugh! I can't stand you! Stay a dog for the rest of the night!"

"N-n-no! Fine! Last time in a long time! Just come on, and change me back!" He barked.

"Ffffffiiinnnnnne!" She replied. "But, you owe me." She changed him back to an angel and fell over. "Phew that's a lot of power..."

"Whew! Than-Viridi!" He quickly held her in his arms. "Sorry, I didn't know it was that much of a drain."

"So this is everyone I talked about!" Pit butted in happily with Vincere.

"Cool....wheres that hell-hound? The one that nearly bit my arm off..!" Vincere looked around and was baffled to see the dog wasn't in the tent, when he surely saw it go in.

"What dog?" Pit chuckled. "There was never a dog! Where do you get that idea?" But alas, being a goody-goody angel meant Pit was a terrible lyer.

"Guys! Stop goofing off! Something's wrong with Viridi!" Pittoo barked. (Not literally lol)

"N-nothing wr-wrong...I just need to rest a whi-WOAH!" Viridi found Pittoo with his head against her chest. "Ge-ge-ge-get off!" She stammered.

"Shut up!" Pittoo was red. "I'm checking your damn heart beat to see if you're alright!"

Viridi got mad and punched Pittoo's head outta the way. "Stop playing around!"

"What do you mean? And jeez what was that for?!"

The whole group was watching Pittoo and Viridi in a very entertained matter.

"Hey, is that guy Pittoo?" Vincere asked.

"Yeah. He totally likes her without even knowing." Pit laughed.

"They're quite loud...." Complained Lillabeth. "They randomly start fighting."

"That's called sexual harrassment!" Viridi pointed at Pittoo, accusationly.

"Sexual harrassment? What the hell do you mean?" Pittoo grunted.

"KISS ALREADY!" Rosabeth clapped.

The entire tent stayed silent and stared at Rosabeth.

"W-what? We all know they want to." She giggled.

Viridi and Pittoo both grew in color.

"Her?! If I loved anything, it would be myself!" Pittoo retorted.

"Yeah? Well well well yo-you're just a copy! And an annoying, touchy, arrogant angel!"

"AM I ANYTHING LIKE HIM/HER?!" They said in unison, looking at the crowd, waiting for an answer.

"YE-" Rosabeth was cut off by Lillabeth's hand covering her mouth.

Vincere grunted, ignoring the question. "So heres the deal, angel.....Pit?"

"Yeah that's me." Pit looked puzzled.

"My father Magnus...."

"MAGNUS IS YOUR D-?!" Pit was cut off, much like Rosabeth was.

"Shhhh! They'll hear you!...and yes. I am his departed son....Vincere..but alas, Hades has brought me back...."

"Hades?! I'm tired of his trickery!"

" father told me he did it to bring me back....he said I had to escape and find you guys...I barely managed."

"Woah wait! What did Magnus loose?"

"His soul...or so he told me..."

"His soul?!" Pit was surprised. "How would Magnus ev-"

"He didn't think." Vincere interrupted. "He's been fighting both to avenge me and to protect the here's what he told me..."

By this time everyone was listening to him. Even Pittoo and Viridi.

"He said, 'Find my friend the angel, by the name of Pit, he should be with his crazy friends in some sort of shelter nearby. When you find him, tell him who you are and ask him to free me. I won't really be serving Hades....he might have my soul but, he has my trust. I'm really gonna figure out what he's doing. I know Pit can help me. He's scrawny but, he gets the job done.' That's what he told me." Vincere sighed. "Are you really who he says he is? I don't see an angel...I see a boy in fancy, tattered clothing, a little girl, a woman, a gardener, and some goth angel or something."

Pittoo twitched. "I'm not go-..!"

"We are." Pit interrupted. "We are at a loss right now. But, when we slowly uncover things for ourselves it'll be a different story. We will recover from such DOWNFALL and defeat Hades! In the name of Palutena! Where-ever she may be, I shall fight for her and claim this victory in her name!" He posed.

Rosabeth clapped.

"Alright cheesy, let's get real. Magnus is just a human without a soul at this point. What could he possibly do, more or less, have planned? Hades will just mess with his mind." Pittoo shrugged.

"He said he was confident in his actions" Vincere sighed. "But, I think at your mentality."

"Magnus...he's the strongest human right? He has history with the UnderWorld? Or so I'm told....maybe he knows something....some sort of advantage?" Viridi added. "I don't know much but, I know he's not careless."

"We'll just wait and see!" Rosabeth cheered.

"Mhmmmm. Is he here to play with me? He seems a little old..."

"Don't worry now, Honey....he's here to serve us now."

"Oh please? This pitiful human? You clearly lost your touch, Master!"

"Oh pipe down, Ms.Shocky! He shall serve us tremendously in this war..!"

", what war are you talking about?"

"The one that is yet to come!"

"Oh puhleeze! You and your trouble-making! That's why this place smells like a dump! You really let this place go!"

"Oh shut up...your lady-friend here was soo happy to let me have it. I can now watch their every move from above the clouds! Isn't this luxorious?!"

"Hmmm oh, I suppose! But, it is quite lonely here....oohhh Hades, can you plllleeeaaase bring me a Prince Charming?"

"Oh shut it, Phosphora! I presented you with that man's offspring, haven't I not?"

"Pft! No! I didn't even know he had a kid!"

"He was right here a minute ago....oh Vincey-Vice! You have a lady here that wants to play with you!"

"Shut it! Don't say that either! You're gonna make me sound creepy!"

"Oh boy?! Where is that kid?"

"Vincere.....please help Pit stop this catastrophe....these two are annoying. And that green-haired Goddess won't stop staring at me." Magnus muttered.
Artwork done for me by :iconrosalinaandpeach: and here is a [link] to the original image! She is a true fan, most importantly a true friend :) Thank you~! Be sure to show you appreciate it too by favoriting her awesome picture :D

PART 7: [link]

PART 8.5: [link]

Haha! Things are turning as they are, unraveling! What does Magnus have as his plan? What has Hades done to our two, now found ladies? What can Vincere do for the group? Only time will tell.....
© 2012 - 2024 TipToeDynamo
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zwlda2678's avatar
OMG!!! So suspenceful...